
Master Form Gift

Give the gift of Ray Of Light Master Form to a loved one. An email will be sent to the recipient letting them know you gifted them the Ray Of Light Master Form.

Ray of Light is a vibrational healing session you can listen to again and again, and receive benefits from everyday! Ray of Light is a new treatment called Portal Medicine that can open the body's portals to quantum healing.

It is based on Ancient Mystic Energy Acupuncture and Amma Lu's Sound Shamanism, that Founder, Doctor G, grounds with precision from her medical experience of the body. Through this combination of sound and light your body is given the key elements to heal: Frequency, Love and Light.

Product: Master Form Gift

What others say

I’m loving it Amma Lu & Andrea Greiner 😊 Thank you for this magical healing co-creation! ❤️🌈🙏🏼 After day 1 I had unexpected emotional release. After day 2 I woke with more energy and inspiration! About to listen to it 3rd day now before sleep and looking forward to continuing for 30 days.🦋
Maria Sandya
From the moment I heard and felt the singing bowls and the guided words come together, it was like a light switch that activated me for the exploration that was to follow. It felt like the experience has opened me up to the remembrance of my potential to be the multidimensional being that I am.
Amanda R
Once I was introduced to Ray of Light Healing my healing journey immediately shifted to one of accessing ease, flow and harmony. My physical health has improved, rapidly. My emotional and mental wellness has become stable and consistent. Ray of Light is pure Gold!!
Jami Hearn
From doing Ray of Light, I have really transformed my limiting beliefs.  I have been able to actually finish projects, not all but some.  It is really a huge step from where I was less than a year ago.  This is truly a transformational form of healing.
Holly B
From day one, I have had massive shifts immediately following (sometimes during) each and every session! Emotional, physical, family, financial, business…the possibilities are infinite!
April Joy
For me personally, Ray of Light has allowed me to quantum leap in my healing and becoming journey and has connected me with my inner knowing and my guides, in ways I previously didn’t know I could, and this has been invaluable as I have stepped into uncharted territories in my life and work.
Julie H
I wanted to do Ray of Light to remove the Epstein Barr virus from my system. As I was meditating, I could suddenly see the EBV very clearly in my system. Ray of Light took me into deep meditation where I could start pulling the virus out! After, I feel incredibly relaxed and peaceful!
Ray of Light is so radical. Combined therapies make the experience exponentially more powerful - the meditation creates surgical openings for healing sound to pour in. The work is extremely precise, powerful and intentional, unlike any other experience.
Andrea Keller
This form is a powerhouse and is not for anyone who doesn't want to radically shift their DNA and upgrade their body! It is evident a massive change has occurred in my psychic abilities, which has to do with my DNA being healed and turned on. I could not recommend this form more!
Emma Brereton